Saturday, March 19, 2011

Help animal survivors of the earthquake in Japan

On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, the largest in the country's recorded history. The earthquake caused tsunamis of up to 33 feet that washed 6 miles inland, sweeping up cars, houses, and debris in swift and deadly black waves of destruction. Broken gas lines and damaged infrastructure caused more than 80 fires, some of which burned for days.

Between the earthquake, the fires, and the tsunami, countless homes have been destroyed. At least 430,000 people are in emergency shelters or with relatives, and another 24,000 are stranded without any shelter, according to the NHK (Japan's national public broadcasting organization). Millions in the northeast are facing near-freezing temperatures without food, water, or electricity.

With people facing these overwhelming conditions, imagine what Japan's animals are facing. As they are confronted with the aftermath of almost unbelievable destruction; they too have lost homes and family. They too are likely to be cold, hungry, and confused. They need our help. Please go to the Animal Rescue Site SAVE JAPAN'S TSUNAMI DOG SURVIVORS.

Please help. will earmark all donations toward emergency assistance and recovery for animal victims of this staggering disaster.

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