Saturday, January 12, 2013

Unicorn Rescued

Unicorn RescuedThis is Unicorn. A far cry from a sparkling white ancient mythical horse. He does, however, have, it seems something magical about him. His regal bearing suggests a heart of gold lies within this homeless shell. He has had little if no human contact in his brief time on this earth. One would think that a dog such as he would be defensive and aggressive in the protection of his territory. To the contrary he is a gentle giant.
He was rescued by a group of dedicated people out of the 5th Ward, Houston Texas. Several attempts to capture Unicorn had failed as he has lived on the streets his entire life and he is as elusive and sly as a fox. An empty belly and the enticing smell of chicken soon overpowered his fear and he is now in the safe hands of a group of amazing people.
Beneath this sad exterior of injury and "ugliness" beats the heart of a Black Dog, one who is loyal, one who will love and project without asking anything in return and as someone most recently said there lies within an 'old soul' and he is Beautiful. His Journey to a forever home will be long as he recovers but in the few short weeks he has been at Sparta’s has been life changing for us. He continues to inspire every day.
Through his story and photo’s he has touch the hearts of many and now this once Forgotten dog will have a purpose even if it is just to love and protect the humans who dare to love him and give him a forever home.
Nederland, TX

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