Monday, June 1, 2009

Sophie the Angel Dog

My husband was cleaning up his dad's old house in the country, getting ready to sell it, and this sweet dog kept following him around. It was in the heat of a Texas summer, which can be rather cruel. Apparently, this gentle dog had been dumped there and had been foraging for a couple of weeks (she was very thin).

So we decided that he would bring her home (some 50 miles away), and we would find her a permanent home. When she came into our backyard, we started calling names to her to see if she would respond to any of them. She ignored every one except Sophie--twice. That had either been her name before or she chose it right then and there.

Speaking of which, we fell in love "right then and there." Sophie, the angel dog, has been living us with us ever since and adores my husband, her savior. He's actually quite silly over her, which is funny since he is not very emotionally expressive, proving that the love of an animal does bring out the best in a person.

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